Your bank account is the first step in establishing a relationship that can help you manage your money, save for the future, and increase your wealth.
Turtle Mountain Savings
- Unlimited check writing
- No minimum balance
- No monthly fee
- Non-interest bearing
- Free Debit/ATM Card*
- $50 minimum balance to open
Turtle Mountain "Savingless" Savings
- No check writing
- No minimum balance
- No monthly fee
- Non-interest bearing
- Free Debit/ATM Card*
- $50 minimum balance to open
Mountain Top Savings
- Unlimited check writing
- $10 monthly service charge if balance falls below $500
- Interest bearing-interest paid monthly
- Free Debit/ATM Card*
- $500 minimum balance to open
Our deposit accounts are insured by the FDIC.
*Initial Debit/ATM card is free at account opening.